Monday, April 25, 2016


Today we had what is called our 'Integration' meeting.  At this time, you complete the process at the orphanage and the papers are signed to move your file to court.  We met our attorney bright and early at a local cafe right next door to La Casa, Violet's orphanage.  We had a lovely breakfast and time to collect our thoughts before walking over to begin the meetings.  Our first meeting was with one of the psychologists there. She is wonderful, and our time with her went well.  She mostly asked us questions about any behaviors we were seeing or any concerns we might have.  She also gave us some very helpful Spanish terms to use when we need them that we did not already know.  We got to take a picture of her with our family and also withe one of Violet's caregivers that spent the most time with her.  Her little face lit up when she saw her--it was very sweet.

The next meeting was with the 'Defensora.'  In technical terms, this means a child's legal guardian. She had a few specific questions for us, but our time with her was not very long.  At the end of our meeting, she told us that "Violet will be an angel to your family, and you are already angels to her."  It was an important moment for us to receive that approval from her and also to know the papers were all signed!!

Our next step is to go to a little town called La Mesa where our court proceedings will be held.  Due to the length of time it was taking for cases to process in Bogota, they began sending families to La Mesa as your time there is only 4-7 days.  We are praying for 4!  It is more tropical in this area which sounds very nice, but that also means lots of bugs and the need for sunscreen.  We hope it is a restful time for us as most of our days have been busy so far.  They have been really good days--just busy.

We did go to a very fun restaurant for a late lunch/early dinner tonight.  Andres Carne de Res was recommended to us by more than one person, and it did not disappoint.  The food was delicious, the atmosphere was fun, and all of us had a good time.  It was definitely worth the drive!

Bedtime is getting easier.  We have found a routine that works and helps her to feel safe.  This means a more peaceful end to the day, and that is a very good feeling.  We are so thankful for her precious little life and that God decided we were fit to receive such a beautiful gift.  She is truly a miracle to us.

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